Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sessions - the movie

Yesterday was great fun. I woke up way too late (about one in the afternoon) and booted it across town to go sign a contract that renews my deal with JV Productions. Took the cheque I picked up from that contract signing, put it in the bank, and went downtown. Finally, at long last, replaced the camera that was stolen last summer with a gorgeous new Canon Powershot A550. Raced home with it, checked my email, and then motored over to the recording studio where we were finally getting Tye's parts laid down on the new songs.

Here is a little documentary of the visit to the recording studio!

That movie, and the many more like it that I am going to make, was one of the main reasons why I've been feeling more and more that I needed to hurry up and get a new camera. Next project: new computer!!


Unknown said... work speakers suck, but if they can make that sound good, then it's amazing!

Z said...

LMFAO sean! i LOVE the shaun downey comment at the end. but honestly, i am so excited for these new tracks.
you gotta let me hear 'em asap.

Anonymous said...

this is how you do...
hug it out man, hug it out.

Anonymous said...

oh, i forgot - i also wanted to send both you and d an enthusiatstic RIGHT ON!
(you can share that RIGHT ON with shaun downey too - there's enough to go around)

Mike Tucker said...

Hay Hay, HaW HaW, He He!!!

New blog, new videos I'm obsessed!!

When ya gotta come on the podcast?? !

K-Star Hatter said...

well it looks like these tracks are gonna be some good ones. i can't wait!