Sunday, December 9, 2007

Back in the TV studio

I have been meaning to get on here and update this bitch all week. But every day has been chaos from early in the morning until so late that it's early the next morning. We are taping new Ed & Red episodes all weekend, and the week was spent fixing up the set and preparing the studio. We did a lot to the set to bring back the some of the feel of the show from when it was a cable phenomenon. There have been massive personnel changes, and the vibe on set has a dramatically different feel. The most obvious thing was that everything went really smoothly and the biggest problem we had was that we didn't have enough pizza for everyone at the meal break. We've got some new ladies on the show that I just adore, and they add a vital freshness to the proceedings. It is so amazing to have Human Kebab on the show with me now, he's amazing on the turntables. Tomorrow our stylist, Celline, is bringing me a new 3-piece suit to wear. This whole week has been like putting on the play in high school only way more fun, at a way larger scale, and the pay is a lot better. Every so often my mind pops out of what is happening and I stop and think "Wow, this is what I get to do for a living!" This is amazing.

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