Sunday, June 10, 2007

Disturbing trends

I'm not much of a complainer, but here are a few of this season's trends that I take issue with:

1. Crocs. Not to be worn outside. They are the least flattering footwear ever. Well, almost. The worst is...

2. Flip-Flops. I am on the subway, I see a super=hot babe, and when I check her out she's wearing flip-flops. And if they're not the dollar-store kind, they're those really ugly ones that have like the leather piece that sits on top of the foot. No good.

3. No make up. Ladies, if your thing is that you don't wear make-up then that's fine, but either women are giving up make-up en masse, or I'm just noticing it a lot more when women don't have any on. Women who are always on the ball with this sort of thing are starting to show up to stuff, or put pictures on their Facebook, with no make-up. Come on, maybe just a little eye-shadow or something?

4. Earth Tones. Don't it figure that the year I can finally afford to dress myself and buy clothes is the year that everything is in colors that I don't want to wear? Everything is greens and browns all over the town!! At least there's a few nice mint green item around, but often I'm totally ready to part with my money except everything is in colors I don't want!


K-Star Hatter said...

i agree whole-heartedly. mostly with the crocs and no makeup trends. crocs have been something i've hated since i first saw them. save it for gardening, people!

although, the worst is the croc ballet flats - i mean who do you think you're fooling? it's still overly priced, ugly, plastic footwear.

Z said...

crocs = disgusting. my mom has a pair, i told her that if i ever catch her outside of the house doing anything other than gardening in them i will hurt her.

flip-flops i like though. they're comfy, but there is a time and place for them, and you really gotta do it right. i had a job interview today, the woman interviewing me pointed out that i wasn't wearing flipflops and that this was good. all i could think was "who wears flip flops to a job interview..."

no make up is a choice, and it kind of irks me that any man could critisize a woman for not wearing makeup, since you don't. i personally prefer a little makeup, and i do think most women look better with some good makeup, but it's her call, and plenty of chicks look fine without it. i know you're all about looking classy, but unless you want to start wearing eyeliner and mascara i don't think it's your call to make doll.

earth tones i like, but colour i like more.

ps. i haven't heard from you in like a week, we need to talk hardcore babe.