Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My movie won't move!

My new favorite thing is making little video blog movies instead of posting a bunch of photos. At the Toronto Comic Book Fan SuperShow (a whole bunch of fun, by the way) I took a whole bunch of video on my new camera. Then I spent most of last night and a few hours today editing a cool little two-minute movie of the thing in Windows Movie Maker. Good Lord, that program sucks. And now it's even worse as it just won't render the video, like the operation is too complicated for my piece of shit computer to handle. I hope this is a little glitch that will sort itself out like when my browser kept crashing every time I tried to attach a file to an email last week but even still, I can't wait for my new Macbook Pro. I've got a rather sizable chunk of the cost saved up already, I need it!! I am a creative professional and for the five years of my operation I have been handicapped by the poor quality of my tools. But I'm coming out of the woods!! I should have that new computer by the summer!

In the plus column, you can now check out a gallery of photos from my last recording session in my Facebook photos! They were taken by the beautiful and talented Miss Genevieve Blais.

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